Happening lay rector

Who is the Happening Lay Rector?
The Happening Lay Rector has an incredible responsibility of organizing, coordinating, and leading the Happening weekend. Leading up to Happening, the lay rector will meet with the Diocesan Youth Leader and Observing Rector to discuss the schedule of the weekend, moments that need to be adjusted, and traditions we want to continue. During the Happening weekend, the Lay Rector encourages and supports the Happening team, leads the group in prayer, and links all of the talks into the theme of the weekend.
The main duties of the Lay Rector are as follows:
- Lead with kindness, love, and compassion
- Set the Theme
- Design the T-Shirts
- Create liturgies for Morning Prayer and Compline
- Pick Key Readings for liturgies
- Support Happening Team throughout the weekend
- Be flexible when certain aspects of the weekend change unexpectedly
Apply to be the lay rector for happening #88
Application Requirements:
Senior in High School for the 2024 - 2025 School Year
Served on Happening Team
In Good Standing at Home Parish
Attended at least two diocesan events in the past year (KEY, ChattEY, New Beginnings, Happening)
Letter(s) of Recommendation